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Avoiding Issues While Traveling to Barranquilla Colombia

 A man looking at a map of Barranquilla Colombia
Make the most out of your trip to Barranquilla Colombia by avoiding these headaches.

Barranquilla, Colombia is a city with a bustling seaport flanked by the Magdalena River. The city is known for its enormous carnival, which brings together flamboyantly costumed performers, elaborate floats, and cumbia music.

There are many places to see and many things to do while in Barranquilla. Jot down some places and activities to do in advance to further enjoy your Colombian travel.

What you need to do is make sure everything goes well along the way and to avoid issues while traveling. Here are some common mishaps that may possibly occur during your adventures and some travel hacks that’ll help you get you through them:

Getting lost.

Lose yourself but don’t get lost. A lot of people have seen the popular movie titled “Wrong Turn.” Few things are scarier than getting lost in an unfamiliar place. A long awaited plan for every traveler may become a nightmare.

Always carry a map with you as well as GPS-enabled devices such as smartphones. If lost, regain your bearings and find the closest place that you will have information to find your way around. Don’t fall asleep, make sure that you’re aware of your surroundings and familiarize yourself with them especially in an unfamiliar place.

Pickpockets and robberies.

Our basic human nature is that we all want to trust people. Be warned! A smiling passer-by can easily turn to unimaginable dilemmas. Never keep all your money in one place, and consider keeping all your valuables in inaccessible places such as zippered or hidden pockets. Avoid being overly friendly in vulnerable situations, you don’t want your vacation to end up in someone else’s pocket.

Dehydration, intoxication and illness.

When traveling, there’s a possibility that you may come face to face with the undesirable such as travel sickness, jet lag, insect bites, sunburn, and food poisoning. Make sure to pack a first aid kit and remedies for the illnesses.

Write down your emergency information so that an unlucky bump in the road won’t turn into the worst case scenario. When food and water safety is concerned, make sure it’s from a sanitary place or it isn’t contaminated.

The weather.

Make it a point to look up Barranquilla, Colombia weather to see what kind of weather you can expect when you get to the country.

You can’t predict the weather but you can still try. Check the areas you are traveling to and what the weather is like at that time of year. Be prepared and pack for any event, and avoid getting caught in heavy rainfall with nothing but sunny day attire.

Losing your luggage, passport or ID. (lock up your valuables)

Losing your valuable means losing your fun. Things such as credit cards, passports, and IDs should be kept in the safest place possible.

To avoid losing your luggage, make sure to check in early for your flight, so you have more time to double check everything and bags that have something unique about them can help tracing them faster than your ordinary plain looking ones. You also have the option of putting modern luggage tags, or getting microchips in them.

Losing hotel reservations.

As soon as that trip is booked, print and make copies of your reservations and keep it with you in case your luggage isn’t close by. Hotels can’t deny your documentation. You can also call before departing to confirm the hotel rooms you’ve booked if it’s still intact. No one wants to pay for their trip twice.

American passport and tickets for traveling to Colombia
Secure your valuables when traveling to Colombia. Otherwise, your trip won’t be as fun.

Public transportation issues.

Public transportation can be a gift because it’s quite affordable, or it could be a curse. Make sure you know your way or know where you’re going and where they pick up. Be safe by choosing wisely. Utilize the use of Google Maps if given the chance.

Flight cancellations or missing flights.

When booking international flights, cancellations of flights can happen. Be prepared and check the website for more information. When a cancellation does happen, find a customer service rep to avoid long lines. In case you missed the flight, it depends if it was yours or the airline.

Always arrive with plenty of time to spare and if you think there’s even a possibility that you won’t make it then check the rescheduling rules for your ticket since different airlines can have different rules and criteria. However, if you do miss the flight and it was your own fault then it’s time to beg.

Not communicating in the same language.

A piece of Colombia travel advice that you should take is to study languages as much as you can before you travel. It’s an incredible form of respect that will be appreciated worldwide if you make the effort. Not being able to communicate can lead you to all kinds of emotions such as loneliness, anger, and frustration.

Body language, sign language, gestures, and smiles are all powerful ways to communicate. Use every single one of them. Don’t shy away from meeting new people because you don’t know the language. Use these other forms of communication as an ice-breaker.

Running out of money.

This can be a major problem which you’ll definitely want to avoid. Use your money wisely, and set aside some emergency cash which you don’t touch. Though unexpected things can happen, it’s impossible to account for every eventuality.

Before you travel, do your research about Barranquilla before visiting. You want to have an idea of the general cost of living so you can budget properly. Include in your research the cash exchange rates in the country to avoid cash scams.

Travel Prepared

When traveling to Colombia, preparedness is vital. Preparation is as important as planning, maybe even more so. You could say that planning is the original step, and preparation is the sequel.

You can plan all you want, but if you don’t prepare, you still won’t be ready. Comply with all the Colombia travel requirements and double check the documents required for Colombia tourist visa so everything goes smoothly.

Prepare your body and mind for the events to come. Make sure your body can catch up to your planned activities and your mind for the worst case scenario. Make the most of your experience and enjoy the local festivities Barranquilla, Colombia has to offer.

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